40+ Body Reboot

A 3-Month Nutritional & Lifestyle Program for 40+ women that helps to:

- Lose Up to 10 Kg Hormonal Weight

- Lose Bloating, Gain Energy

- Heal Your Gut

- Find Mental Focus and Clarity

- Create A Strong and Healthy Body that they love!

- Feel Unshakeably Amazing (because you are!)

Are you ready to feel absolutely incredible? To have unstoppable energy, be switched on and clear minded and have confidence in your body? 

Women over 40 - It’s your time to feel radiant and amazing!

YOU’RE HERE BECAUSE you are over 40 (or approaching 40) and feeling tired, like your clothes don’t fit the way you want them to, exercising may not feel as good as it did in the past. You think that you’ve tried it all and nothing is working. You are NOT ready to feel physically old yet and you are ready to change how you feel inside and out. 

The truth is

- You know that you are not ready to simply accept that you feel old, tired and unhappy in your body.

- You are not showing up in life the way you want to because you feel held back by exhaustion, your brain fog, and just generally feeling flat

- You are ready to feel energised and excited again

- You wish there was a way to drop the extra kilos that are weighing you down and to stop blaming everything on your hormones

- Deep down you know you can hit your health goals but just don’t have the tools right now to do it. 

- But you feel like you have tried all of your old tricks and none of them are working the way they used to, or the way you think they should

- Maybe you are pounding the pavement, or doing more and more cardio and none if it is working!

I have been where you are and have discovered how to completely overhaul my health in a matter of months, by implementing sustainable lifestyle changes that allow me to be flexible, enjoy food, have fun and still get results. 

I’ll let you in on something

Getting to this point had taken some hard (but fun) work

I had tried so many different things; including all of the techniques that worked for me in my 20’s and 30’s before I learned that health in your 40’s requires a different approach. 

In the past I had tried….

- Cutting out all carbs

- Exercising excessively 

- Stopping snacking between meals

- Taking hormone balancing supplements

And the results were minimal!

However, deep down I knew that there had to be another, more sustainable pathway to feeling amazing again. 

And then one day I realised that…

a woman in her 40’s is different in so many ways to a woman in her 20’s and 30’s; and that in order to achieve my health goals, I had to respect what my body is going through, not fight against it. 

The truth is that diets don’t work. Creating a new mindset and lifestyle around your eating decisions is the only way to maintain a healthy weight loss whilst still getting the nutrition you need.

And when I finally made the changes that work for me not against me I was able to

- Drop the two dress sizes that I hadn’t been able to shift

- Begin sleeping better and wake up energised

- Feel clear headed again

- Balance my hormones which means being completely free from PMS and bringing my menstrual cycle back to its regular 28 day day cycle (it was at 21 days)

- Still go out and have a glass of wine or dinner without feeling guilty about it

And the best bits?

I enjoy every meal and snack that I eat, and I don’t walk around hungry all day!

Exercise feels light and free because I am fuelling my body with nourishing foods and habits so that I am energised and excited about moving again.


- If you’re struggling to feel good physically and mentally

- If you are walking around bogged down by brain fog

- If you are overwhelmed and losing hope that you will ever feel energised and amazing again

- If you’re ready to feel confident in your clothes and body.

- If you want to wake up feeling bloody amazing!

- You feel ready to commit a sustainable lifestyle where you can still go out to dinner and have fun with your friends and family (because enjoyment is what it’s all about)

How would you feel if

I told you that it is possible for you to feel better than you ever have before! To feel more comfortable in your clothes, to sleep better, have clearer skin, balanced hormones and no more bloating. How would you feel if I told you that it is all possible in a matter of months? 

Well it is

And now is the time for action; the longer you wait, the harder it is for your body to make these changes. It is time to set yourself up for longevity and energy!

40+ Body Reboot

A 3-Month Nutritional Body and Hormone Revamp for Women

In our 6 One on One meetings, together we will work on

- Mindset - We will look at your relationship with food and exercise and find ways for you to work through your cravings without giving in to them. Just because you crave it, doesn’t mean you need it!

- Understanding Foods - You will learn about the foods that are helpful to balancing your hormones in your 40’s and that provide energy to your body (not suck energy from your body)

- Meal Planning - Working through my recipe books we can plan daily or weekly meal plans, or if you like to be more flexible we understand how to map out your day of food based on what you have eaten or what you want to eat later

- Making Smart Choices - You will receive shopping and eating out guides so that you know what the best choices are if you are travelling or eating out a lot for lunches and/or dinners 

- Exercise - We will discuss how exercise affects your hormones and what types of exercise are most beneficial for this phase of life

In addition to this you will receive:


- Recipes: For breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and sweets. 

- Personalized Meal Plans: Tailored meal plans that focus on nutrient-dense foods, including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and superfoods. These plans take your personal lifestyle in to consideration.

- Hormone-Balancing Foods: Emphasis on foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibre to support hormonal balance and reduce inflammation.

- Blood Sugar Regulation: Strategies to maintain stable blood sugar levels, promoting sustained energy and weight management.

- Adequate Hydration: Guidance on proper hydration and its influence on hormonal health and cognitive function.

Mind-Body Connection

- Meditation: In order to manage your hormones you may need to manage your stress, so as a part of this program you will receive three short meditation sound files that you can listen to whenever you need to

- Mind-set techniques - We will workshop mindset techniques to find one that resonates with you so that you feel confident making the right decisions around food and cravings

Physical Activity

- Specialised Yoga Routines: We will include 3 short yoga practices designed to assist you at this stage of life where strength building is so important for hormone and metabolism regulation. These sequences have been specifically designed to address the changing needs of a woman in her 40’s

- Customised Exercise Plans: If your exercise routine needs tweaking to address your changing needs, we can work to create an exercise plan that works with you, not against you, and that incorporates the workouts that you love the most.

After working with me for 90 days my clients:

- Have shifted stubborn weight and fit into their old (or new) clothes!

- Have a new relationship with food and lifestyle

- Have a totally new understanding of Food; how much you need and which foods help to fuel your life, and which ones sap your energy

- Have the tools to piece together their own meal plans

- Are confident in turning down food that they know doesn’t serve them, whilst still knowing when is the right time to let loose and just eat what you want

- Have a solid and sustainable exercise routine that works with you and where you are at now

- Feel ready to continue on this journey with good health and longevity!

Bespoke Nutritional Programs

If you need a longer or shorter program or only want to work on some of the aspects because you feel like you have others under control then please contact me so we can put together the perfect package for you and your needs.