Hey there, I’m ​Nadia Rihani

- I know you’re not ready to give up on how you feel, look and think.

- You are not ready to feel old, tired and unmotivated.

- Deep down, you still have that spark inside that tells you that the healthiest and most alive YOU is still to come.

You do not need to be held captive by your hormones! I have been where you are and have discovered how to completely overhaul my health in a matter of months, by creating sustainable lifestyle changes that allow me to be flexible, enjoy food, have fun and still get results.

I help women in their 40’s to cut out the noise, the should’s, and the can’ts to do the things you need to do to get results.

Through careful food choices, mind management and lifestyle tweaks, I help you to take control of your hormones so that you can shift that stubborn weight, sleep better, overcome brain fog and feel absolutely sensational!

I am a certified nutritionist, a strategic psychotherapist and international yoga teacher with twenty years experience helping women to achieve their health and lifestyle goals. I am a lover of all things food related and whilst tweaks must be made, I don’t believe that health requires a sacrifice on taste. 

My purpose is to help women in their 40’s feel more amazing than they believed possible. Just because you have reached midlife it doesn’t mean you need to settle for feeling any less than your best. Don’t let your thoughts, habits and hormones hold you back!

How would you feel if I told you that it is possible

- To feel more comfortable in your clothes

- To sleep better

- Have clearer skin

- Balanced hormones

- No more bloating

How would you feel if I told you that it is all possible in a matter of months? 

"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."

Tony Robbins

Here is My Story

I am the cat with 9 lives! I a mother of two who has worked in corporate recruitment, I have designed Entertainment and Enrichment programs that were delivered on Cruise Ships sailing the world, as an actor touring Italy, as an Authorised Ashtanga Yoga teacher and founder of two of Sydney’s most prestigious Yoga Schools and a Nutritionist who just loves how food can make you feel better. 

In 2019 I was hit by a car, rendering me unable to walk for 6 months, after which I had to completely start from scratch, learning to walk again and now I run, dance, and practice yoga daily! After a lengthy period of falling to new lows, emotionally and mentally, having all of these things taken away from me only made me more determined to be able to do them again. 

Throughout my own life health has been a major focus, with years spent dedicated to traveling and studying Yoga and Ayurveda in India. I have run numerous yoga retreats in Australia and India and have been invited to teach at yoga schools across Europe. 

As I approached 40 I began to find my weight difficult to manage and packed on 10kg. None of the old tricks worked. I blamed it on breastfeeding but then when I stopped, nothing changed. I thought I was doing all of the right things but still, I was tired, and just felt generally unhappy with how my body felt and functioned. I would wake up exhausted which continued on until I went to sleep at night. When I began to study women’s health and began implementing new health strategies and eating guidelines, overnight things changed for me. In a matter of weeks I had lost the bloat, the brain fog and in a few months, I had lost two dress sizes.

Even better, I slept more soundly, and felt more energetic than I did in my 30’s!

Some Fun Facts About Me

- I am lucky to be the mother of two beautiful children who are quarter Swedish, Quarter Spanish, Quarter Moroccan and Quarter Australian (I provide the Moroccan and Australian genes).

- I have backpacked to over 30 countries, and spent years returning to India for months at a time. 

- I completed my degree in Bologna Italy (known as the foodie capital of Italy) before travelling the country with a theatre company, working as an actor, touring and performing in tiny villages and big cities. 

- I am a daredevil and have skydived in Australia, bungee jumped in Greece, been canyoning in Slovenia and snow-boarding in the dolomites.

- I am happiest in the water and love ocean swimming. I live blocks from the beach and when I feel stressed I jump in the ocean no matter what season it is for the ultimate mental reset. 

- In 2019 I became the survivor of being hit by a car; an accident that left me unable to walk for 6 months and with a permanent break in my pelvis. I completely learned to walk and start my whole life again.

- Whilst mindset has always been instrumental in my life, after my accident I delved to new lows that only my own mind could pull me out of. I have lived and breathed how mindset can make all the difference in your experience and decision making. 

- I have trained as a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist.

- Whilst I teach yoga and describe myself as spiritual; I am not Woo-Woo. I like to be compassionate but direct in what I am saying. 

- I love nothing more than a dance floor! 

- I have healed my own hormonal and health issues through dietary and lifestyle changes. 

- I have maintained a daily yoga practice for over 20 years now and also love running, ocean swimming and going to a dance class.

- As a teenager I was a competitive gymnast and competed at State Level before tearing ligaments in my ankle which forced me to take time off. Whilst resting I realised I was ready to explore more in life than just gymnastics training. 

- I am fully committed to my own health by exercising in a sustainable way and by creating deliciously healthy recipes for me and my family.

Professional Bio

I am a University Educated Nutritionist, International Yoga Teacher and a Strategic Therapist who helps women in their 40’s who are ready to transform health by implementing dietary and lifestyle changes that are achievable, maintainable and delicious. 

I have a BA in Arts, A Certificate IV in Nutrition, A Womens Health Coaching Certification through GGS. I am an Advanced Authorised Ashtanga Yoga Teacher through the Ashtanga Institute in India, a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy and, has almost 20 years experience working with women to achieve their health goals.

In 2011, with only $10,000 to my name, I single handedly built two Yoga Studios in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs which I sold in 2019 before turning my focus more towards nutritional health. I have helped countless women transform their lives and their relationship with food!

Nadia lives in Sydney’s Northern Beaches but is happy to travel for speaking engagements and corporate events.